Start of a malware journey

Before starting, I would like to say that I have noooo idea on how to make malware, or reverse malware at a very high level. I took a course on malware reverse engineering during my undergrad year, and it thought me the same thing i knew. It was to just check to hard coded strings and change static binary. but this is going to be a long process of just writing about something that I really want to know. nobody is going to read this anyway so, Im going to log everything here.

links that im going to drop so that I can find it here again. stories and blogs and courses and books that i might need in the future.

While reading, I also need to say just incase someone actually reads this in the future.


I do not condone the development of malware for malicious intend. information that I’m accumulating and learning is for educational purposed ONLY. breate and chill, no need to be on that side of the hill